Trekking in Liguria: Updated Trail Map with New Routes

The regional inventory map of Liguria’s hiking trails has been updated: a true land of trekking.
Liguria continues to show itself as a land of trekking, walks, and outdoor paths. The regional inventory map of Liguria’s hiking trails has recently been updated with the addition of new routes, extending the map by up to 100 kilometres.
The Expansion
The expansion of over 100 kilometres covers the area between Genoa and Savona, including the municipalities of Bormida (SV), Calice Ligure (SV), Carcare (SV), Cengio (SV), Cogoleto (GE), Cosseria (SV), Millesimo (SV), Murialdo (SV), Pontinvrea (SV), and Roccavignale (SV). With this latest update, the regional inventory map now totals 5,456 kilometres.
The Trail Map
The map was created through the collaboration of the Provinces, the Metropolitan City of Genoa, regional and national Park Authorities, and the Alta Via dei Monti Liguri Association. The data included in the system is processed and validated by the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Projects and Programmes Sector and the SITAR and is approved by the Regional Council.