Main reasons for visiting the Ligurian Alps Park

Did you know that in the forests of the Alpi Liguri Park, among the tall larches, on the ridges of this frontier land a few kilometres from the sea, lives a mysterious animal?
It is the genet, one of the oldest and most primitive carnivores in existence. It originated in Africa and it is said to have arrived on board Saracen ships. It is difficult to admire as it is among the most elusive animals of all, so much so that it was thought for years to be extinct. Then, in 2018, finally someone spotted it. However, you do not have to worry because it is not harmful to humans. Moreover, even if you met it, you could mistake it for a cat, even though it has spotted fur, a pointed snout and a much longer and bigger tail.

While the genet is hard to spot, there are many other things in the Ligurian Alps Park that will simply amaze you: such as the rhododendrons that, on Monte Saccarello, between June and July, have the most extensive flowering in Europe. Or the alpine refuges ready to refresh your mind and body after you have walked the many paths in the green or on the Alta Via dei Monti Liguri.

Do you like flying? In Mendatica, in the heart of the park, there is the Flight Room: a special dark room where, with the help of technology, you can travel over the park flying like an angel or like a witch on her broomstick watching a video on the floor, among ridges, peaks, meadows, grazing flocks, waterfalls and ancient villages. Or, if you want a truly fully-immersion experience, visit the Maisons dell’Outdoor, where you can preview your activities in the park through 3D viewers.