A complete overview of the Ravano Tournament in Genoa

From 19 to 29 May 2025, Genoa, with its 40th Ravano Tournament – Paolo Mantovani Cup, will once again have visitors to its Trade Fair buzzing with excitement

Everyone knows the crucial role football plays in the history of Italy, and of Genoa in particular. Heated Lanterna derbies and ubiquitous Genoa and Sampdoria stickers provide positive proof that here football is a creed—one of the most serious and heartfelt events of Genoa the Superb, as the city is affectionately known. This attachment to the colours of one or other of its teams starts blossoming at school and is passed on from generation to generation, thanks also to the legendary Ravano Tournament.

The Ravano Tournament

Known nationally and internationally for 39 years now, the competition, launched at the behest of Sampdoria’s visionary president Paolo Mantovani, is currently the biggest tournament of school football, and more besides, in Europe. Every year, teams made up of fourth, fifth and sixth grade pupils have the opportunity to compete in thirteen different sports disciplines before experts from the eleven sports federations involved.

From a football tournament to a multi-sport competition

Launched in 1985 as a boy’s football tournament, two years later Ravano was opened up to girls, becoming a benchmark for school football until 2009, when rugby, volleyball and basketball were added to the competition. In the wake of this major revolution, cycling also joined in 2016, followed by fencing, water polo, athletics, rowing and sailing (2017), tennis (2018) and even hockey (2020), thus reaching out to an ever larger number of young sports enthusiasts.

This year, the Ravano Tournament will see teams competing in a variety of sports – with climbing making its début – at the Genoa Trade Fair’s Jean Nouvel Pavilion. Check out the full schedule of events on the tournament’s official website and support these young athletes on their quest to reach the finals.

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