Diving Centers
There are many specialised diving centres that will guide you through the most beautiful underwater dives of our sea. Let our staff know if there are any changes to the information below.
Centro Sub “Riviera dei Fiori”
The Diving Centre “Riviera dei Fiori” was founded in 1970 and has since been FIPSAS federal diving school.
Pianeta Blu
The Blue Planet Diving Centre is located in the west of Liguria.
Sport7 Diving Club
Guided or freediving courses, ARA (Advanced Diving) renewal, underwater video shooting, assistance at sea and services for groups and diving schools.
Sesto Continente Diving
Sesto Continente is an organisation that provides support, equipment and courses with licence issuing for the practice of underwater activities. It is in the port of Alassio, near the large parking lot close to the centre, convenient and practical to reach.
Savona Sub Center
The Savona Sub Centre is an underwater diving centre and diving school in which Padi (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) instructors and guides operate, distinguished for many years in customer service, boating and the promotion of programmes for awareness and environmental protection.
Diving Center Service Nereo Sub
One of the main Diving Centres of the Riviera Ligure di Ponente in the province of Savona.
Centro Subacqueo Idea Blu
Our instructors and guides (all certified NADD-HSA-CMAS) will join you in helping you to appreciate the wonderful seabed surrounding the Gallinara Island, the war wrecks (I – II World War) and the Roman cargo ships in the archaeological area of Albenga.
Cycnus Diving Center
A small Diving Centre in the port of Finale Ligure that offers the possibility of diving for all licence levels.
Posidonia Diving Center
Amateur Sports Association – Genova (Quinto al mare) – www.posidonia.tk
Libeccio TekDiving
info@tekdiving.com; +39.393.3354157 – www.libecciotekdiving.com
Borgo Marina Diving
Havendiving s.r.l
Via Ceccardi 3/5 16121 – Arenzano GE – www.havendiving.com
Corderia Nazionale
From our instructors to dive masters and our collaborators, we all have one thing in common that unites us: the great love for the sea and diving.
Arco 89
Arco ’89 s.r.l. Diving and Sailing Centre for underwater operations, boating school and Diving Centre
Haven Diving Center Srl
Haven Diving Centre is the closest diving hub to the Haven oil tanker wreck.
Nautilus Technical Diving Center
The instructors of Nautilus, thanks to their professionalism and experience, will guide you step by step in your diving career and to discover the most fascinating dives.
Acciuga Sub ASD
ACCIUGA SUB ASD is a non-profit Amateur Sports Association affiliated with AICS and CONI.
European Dive Center
European Dive Centre represents the sport of diving in Santa Margherita Ligure for your dives in the marine area of Portofino and around the wrecks of Tigullio.
Centro Sub Tigullio
Via Cibrario, 47e, Genova, +39 339.318.16.20 – www.cstigullio.com
Portofino Divers
Portofino Divers offer quality services and meets the demands of the most particular divers who want to dive in the most fascinating sites of the marine protected area of Portofino and around the wrecks of Liguria.
Diving Group Portofino
25 years of experience in the marine protected area of Portofino at your service to guarantee the highest quality of service, punctuality, professionalism and operational safety.
B&B Diving Center
B&B Diving Centre is the reference point for diving enthusiasts who love diving in the beautiful setting of Monte di Portofino, in the Marine Protected Area of Portofino
Il Grande Blu
Guided dives in the protected marine area of Portofino throughout the Gulf of Tigullio and Paradise Gulf, (including full day and night dives).
Dimensione Diving Center Lavagna
Dimensione Diving … if the best is not enough for you.
Punta Rospo Diving Center
Spirit and passion for maritime activity combined with a philosophy based on respect and care for the marine environment and its inhabitants.
Diving Punta Mesco
The very first Diving Centre and school in Levanto, just a few steps from the Cinque Terre Park. A reference point for your diving experience in the Marine Protected Area of Punta Mesco.
Torino Diving
Discover the wonderful underwater world of Liguria with us.
Oasi Blu
The “Oasi Blu” Diving Centre is an ACUC (American Canadian Underwater Certifications) training centre. This centre is equipped with all the teaching material to obtain all types of licences and specialties provided by the ACUC teachings.
Marina Diving Center
Guided dives with certified instructors amongst the beautiful depths of the Ligurian coast. Discover fascinating wrecks and various underwater environments.
Massub Diving Center
Massub’s staff is made up of a team of sea lovers and diving professionals with an extended amount of experience behind them in addition to their continuous training.
Le Cavallette Diving
Diving, snorkelling, freediving and diving Courses are just some of the things you can do with us.
Lorenzo Sub
Discovering unique seabeds
Western Liguria offers wonderful diving spots among only a few other spots in Italy. Eurosub and its staff will accompany you to these depths with something more: the feeling of being at home and being treated like true friends right from the first encounter!
Divenjoy is a PADI centre (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) the largest diving association in the world. Our diving centre employs instructors who make this beautiful underwater activity their great passion as well as their main job.
Bubble Lounge Diving
Our experienced and competent staff will help you discover the beauty of this sport with full of fun and safety.