Itinerary of the Via Iulia Augusta
The Via Iulia Augusta itinerary has been restored, offering an intense journey through the past and present, amid Mediterranean scents and colours.
This splendid stretch of Roman road that connects Alassio to Albenga is an itinerary of extraordinary value, both for the preservation of some sections of ancient pavement and for the beauty of its landscapes, providing picturesque views of the coast and the Gallinara Island.
Built in 13 B.C. at the request of Emperor Augustus to connect Rome to southern Gaul, the Via Iulia Augusta constitutes one of the most captivating historical and natural routes in Liguria. It is easily accessible and features the typical colours and scents of the Mediterranean scrub.
The path of the Via Iulia Augusta, protected by archaeological and landscape constraints, is freely accessible to pedestrians. It is partly paved and partly dirt, with a short stretch of historical cobblestone. It can be completed in about two hours of walking, offering fascinating insights into the past and present.
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