Bussana town

Bussana town
A few kilometres from Sanremo, the soul of this small hamlet on the one hand is still living in the past, in Bussana Vecchia, with the other symbolises rebirth, in Bussana Nuova. 1887 saw the initial split that gave rise to the two villages, different but with the same origins. In fact, the original village of Bussana was destroyed by a violent earthquake. In the early '60s, the old village drew the attention of several artists who came from both Italy and Europe. To date, you can visit Bussana Vecchia only by foot, taking a small road upwards from Bussana Nuova.
Nome in dialetto: Busànn-a
IAT: Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi, Sanremo
Telefono: 0184 580500
Email: infopoint@comunedisanremo.it

The Osteria degli Artisti is the ideal place to retrace the history of the village. A community of artists, with craft workshops and food outlets. A quaint “artists' village” in a medieval village setting.
The “Artists’ Village”
Bussana Vecchia is an outdoor museum, made of small shops and small artist’s studios where beauty is even found in minute details. Visiting the village, you will breathe in the atmosphere of a small village where time has stood still and where nature has taken its place again, living in perfect harmony with the stone houses left by the earthquake. Known as the 'Artists’ Village', it has been restored by artists from all over the world.
Book: “Bussana Vecchia” by Willy Ivaldi and Roberto Marro - Italian and English editions
The symbol of Bussana Vecchia
The symbol of the village is the bell tower on the Church of Sant'Egidio, a reminder of the history of Bussana Vecchia and its past. The old church, which was never restored, is visible only from the outside, however its exterior traces hints of frescoes and stucco originally used. Don’t miss a botanical experience in the fairytale Garden among the Ruins.
The violent earthquake of 1887 almost destroyed the village of Bussana completely. Its inhabitants moved about 3km downstream, founding the village of Bussana Nuova.
Bussana Nuova
The new village overlooks the sea and if you want to take a bath or sunbathe here there is the Cala degli Orsi sandy beach. The Sanctuary of the Sacred Heart is worth a visit, the façade of which is adorned with Venetian mosaics.
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