Laigueglia town

Laigueglia town
Seen from the sea, Laigueglia looks like a beautiful multicoloured setting. In the background is the parish church of St. Matthew, with its magnificent late Baroque façade punctuated by two original, slightly rotated, stuccoed bell towers. Laigueglia is reminiscent of the typical seaside village with its characteristic small squares and fishermen's houses on the beach.
IAT: Via U. Biancamano 246, 19137
IAT: Sca.ta delle Scuole, 4, 19131 Cadimare (SP)
Telefono: 0187 257108

Laigueglia is one of the I Borghi più Belli d'Italia (Italy's Most Beautiful Villages) brand and is located in what is known as the Baia del Sole, a perfect destination for a seaside holiday. But not only that.
A bit of history
Its name is said to derive from 'eagle', the effigy on the banners of Roman soldiers. In fact, the road that divides it in two, known as Aurelia, was built by the Romans. In the 12th century, Catalan fishermen arrived in Laigueglia and boosted the flourishing coral fishing industry. Attacked several times by pirates, including the terrible Dragut, it was destroyed and rebuilt, and at the behest of the Republic of Genoa, sea ramparts were built to protect it. One of the three 16th century towers, 'il Baluardo', remains on the seashore.
White farinata is a typical product from the province of Savona based on wheat. Compared to chickpea farinata, it is crispier and its colour is white. It can be eaten plain or with rosemary, olives, bacon or other ingredients added after cooking.
The outdoor town
Laigueglia is a favourite destination for those who love the outdoors. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced walker, you can try your hand at Nordic walking in the Nordic Walking Laigueglia Park. There’s no shortage of bike trails: a long loop starts from Via Monaco descending towards Andora Castle before reconnecting again with Laigueglia through the Albenga and Alassio hinterland.
The landing of the Saracens is the historical episode par exCelle townnce that marked this village. Every year, between the end of July and the beginning of August, Laigueglia commemorates this moment through a 'battle' by the sea
Art and events in the village
Visit the beautiful church of S. Matthew, including works by important artists such as Strozzi and Merano, and one of the most important cartelami (cardboard or wooden scenic apparatuses of popular devotion) of western Liguria. Or climb up to the Sanctuary of Nostra Signora delle Penne (a mispronunciation of a Catalan word meaning 'Rock') built by Catalan fishermen, on the Capo Mele rock spur, near the lighthouse. In addition to the many festivals and markets, you will be lucky if you happen upon two events: 'Il salto dell'acciuga' (food and wine, workshops, exhibitions and shows on the salt roads) and the Perc Fest, an international benchmark musical event dedicated to percussions.
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