Archives: BeActive

una-marcia…-da-degustare La Mia Liguria
3 November 2023

A March… to Savour! The Mangialunga of Fontanegli

The Mangialunga is a food and wine walking tour that takes place on the last Sunday of May among the villas and…

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la-corsa-dalla-sabbia-alla-neve La Mia Liguria

The Race from Sand to Snow: Vibram Maremontana Running Park

Everyone, from athletes to enthusiasts, gathers in Loano for the Vibram Maremontana Trail – Memorial Cencin De Francesco. A packed schedule of…

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Roa Marenca

Roa Marenca, an e-bike tour from Mondovì to the Sea

150 kilometres in three days. From the Piedmont Alps to the Ligurian Sea. If you have more than a day to spare,…

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torre-dell-orologio_la_mia_liguria La Mia Liguria

‘Clock Tower’ Route from Levanto to Bonassola

Alongside my lifelong friends, we decided to load our bikes and equipment and embark on the one-hour journey that separates Genoa from…

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in-discesa-dallappennino-verso-il-mare-della-riviera-di-levante La Mia Liguria

Descending from the Apennines to the sea of the Ligurian Riviera

Yes, because she is my faithful companion, always present in my biking adventures, loyal and reliable to the point that I’ve given…

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