Beigua Park – The Trails

Beigua Park – The Trails
The Beigua Regional Nature Park still preserves an unspoilt environment. Twenty-six kilometres of mountain ridges form the backdrop of an area stretching from the Colle del Giovo to the Passo del Turchino. The 8,715 hectares of this naturalistic paradise, straddling the provinces of Genoa and Savona, have been listed by UNESCO as one of the 35 parks worldwide whose geological heritage should be protected with great care.
Nome in dialetto: Beigoa
IAT: 45, Via Badano, 17046 Sassello
Telefono: 019 724020
IAT: Piazza Beato Jacopo, 2, 17019 Varazze
Telefono: 019 935043
IAT: Via Pionieri e Aviatori d’Italia, Aeroporto Piano Arrivi, 16154, Via Garibaldi, 12r, 16124, Ponte Spinola, 16128 Genova
Telefono: 010 5572903
IAT: Lungomare John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 10, 16011 Arenzano
Telefono: 010 9127581
IAT: via della Giustizia, 5 Campo Ligure
Telefono: 010 921055

There is also a running park, while 23 climbing routes of varying difficulty are available at the Cave di Verezzi crag.
Twenty six kilometres of mountain ridges
The Beigua Park is the largest regional nature park in Liguria. Characterised by a dense network of marked trails (about 500 km) and three state forests, along the most inaccessible routes in the park and hidden from human sight, the presence of wolves has been reported and from its foothills overlooking the sea it is not unusual to see the slender silhouettes of whales passing in the stretch of water in front of Varazze, Cogoleto and Arenzano.
In Val Gargassa you can admire the Grand Canyon of Liguria, formed by the millennial action of the river, which carved and created very special shapes.
Stones revealing the history of Liguria
Rocky outcrops, mineralisation, fossiliferous deposits, spectacular shapes continuously shaped by the wind, snow and rain are the heart of Beigua. The erosive forms of the Val Gargassa are of great visual impact and tell many interesting geological aspects.
In Beigua there are two tracks on low-traffic asphalted roads: Delle valli del Sol loop and Beigua loop.
A birdwatcher's paradise
In late spring and autumn, thousands of migratory birds arrive on the coasts of Liguria. And the territory of the Beigua Park is a veritable highway for species migrating to Central and Eastern Europe. The grasslands of the park and the mountain slopes of the Reixa and Dente are a reference point for sparrows, hawks, storks and swallows. Therefore, both experts and merely curious visitors can lurk on the heights of Beigua, turned into a birdwatching paradise for a few weeks.
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