Bocca di Magra and Ameglia

Bocca di Magra and Ameglia
Ameglia rises on the high ground of Mount Caprione, which dominates the Magra valley, on the border with Tuscany: it is an enchanting place, dominated by the castle and perched on the top of a hill. A short distance away lies Bocca di Magra, an ancient fishing village and the seaside resort of Fiumaretta, with its Punta Bianca and Punta Corvo beaches. The coast stretches from the beaches of Marinella di Sarzana to the cliffs of Tellaro, offering breathtaking views. The territory is part of Montemarcello Magra Park, which you can discover through many hiking trails.
Nome in dialetto: Améggia, Mêgia
IAT: Proloco Piazza Francesco Sforza, 19031 Ameglia
Telefono: 335 666 6036

Montale dedicated his poem “The Return” to the fascinating Bocca di Magra.
Punta Corvo BeachAn eye
opening, wild and charming coastline. Punta Corvo beach is considered by Legambiente as one of the 11 most beautiful beaches in Italy. It can be reached by 700 steps or by boat with departures from Bocca di Magra and Fiumaretta.
From Bocca di Magra, we recommend two excursions: the one to Montemarcello and the one to the Santa Croce Monastery, overlooking the sea and with a suggestive view.
The seafaring tradition of Bocca di MagraThis characteristic mooring place has become a tourist resort, whose beauty in the post
war period enraptured famous thinkers and writers, including Pasolini, Montale, Einaudi and Vittorini. Today, there are many activities related to fishing, as well as several docks for recreational boating and nautical charter services.
Lives Bocca di Magra and Ameglia e dintorni
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