Lavagna town

Lavagna town
In the heart of Tigullio shines Lavagna, a city encompassing all that is "liguritudine" within a few kilometres. Imagine strolling along the alleys of this town, from Via Roma - the Caruggio - that connects the Basilica of Santo Stefano and its Brignardello Portico, with the intense blue of the coast. Crossing Via Roma, the commercial heart of the city of Lavagna, discover the medieval porticos with the historic shops and restaurants offering local menus and fresh seafood.
Nome in dialetto: Lavagna
IAT: Piazza della Libertà, 47, 16033 Lavagna (GE)
Telefono: 0185 367272

Curiosity: did you know that the railway line that conveniently crosses this part of Liguria was inaugurated in 1870?
Paradise is coloured in ... blue!
Lavagna and its sandy beach are impossible not to fall in love with. The Blue Flag dominates the seafront and the famous Cavi beach without interruption, along four kilometres of sandy coastline. This flag also flies over the tourist port, as an ideal landing place for experiencing Liguria not only by land but also by sea.
“Tween Sièstri and Chiaveri there descends a lovely mountain stream, and from its name my race’s title takes its greatest boast”. Divine Comedy - 19th Canto of Purgatory. Pope Adrian V to Dante Alighieri, during his ascent into Purgatory.
A thousand years in a single step
On Via Roma, as the main street of the town, visit Casa Carbone, a typically Ligurian example of fin de siècle style in the external decorations and in the architectural structure, which was donated to the FAI that manages it today. Here was dominated by the Fieschi counts. Indeed, each year, a historical reenactment known as the “Torta dei Fieschi” is staged on 14th August.
Like the roofs, many of the north-facing walls of the old buildings are covered with slate, which is waterproof and protects against rain and wind, retaining heat.
Ligurian slate: the Lavagna stone Slate
one of the exCelle townnces of Made in Italy hails right from the quarries surrounding Lavagna. It is to this precious material that we owe the name of the dense network of surrounding pathways: the
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