Savona town
a city to discoverFarinata, art and shopping beneath the Torretta and in the shadow of the imposing Fortezza del Priamar

Savona town
a city to discoverFarinata, art and shopping beneath the Torretta and in the shadow of the imposing Fortezza del Priamar
Savona is a city to be explored, as a place that has managed to change and enhance its tourist and cultural heritage without foregoing tradition. Such is the case with the Leon Pancaldo tower, as the symbol of the city that everyone refers to as the “Torretta” - the ‘little tower’. Of late, we have seen the transformation of the Darsena, now a tourist district enticing cruise ships to dock each year, with its quant bars and cafés and promenades along the sea.
Nome in dialetto: Sànn-a, Savónn-a
IAT: Via Maestri d'ascia, 17100 Savona SV
Telefono: 019 2212967

One of the few cases of an urban Slow Food protected product: the Savona chinotto. A small citrus fruit, unique in quality and aroma.
Shopping and farinata in the shadow of the Priamar
A true treasure trove of art and culture, the Fortezza del Priamar remains anchored to its impressive and extensive history. A stroll downtown must include an exploration of Via Pia, a historic street where the most beloved bakeries are located and where the famous Farinata di Savona is prepared, a type of flat bread made with wheat and unlike anything else in the world. Then there is Via Paleocapa, with its old fashioned porticos and the most important shops.
Savona also has the Sistine Chapel. It was erected by Pope Sixtus IV, the same pope who commissioned the Sistine Chapel in Rome.
Meandering through history
Savona also hosts the monumental complex comprised of the Duomo (Cathedral), the Cloister, the Cappella Sistina, the Oratory of Santa Maria di Castello and the Palazzo Vescovile, housing the apartment in which Pope Pius VII was exiled for three years in Savona, as a prisoner of Napoleon.
Other works from the Della Rovere era are part of the Civic Art Gallery Civica in Palazzo Chabrol. Roveresque coats of arms can be seen on Palazzo Sacco Multedo.
The city of two Popes
Savona can be honourably defined as the City of Popes, thanks to the cultural and artistic legacy of two great pontiffs who were also patrons of the Renaissance, Pope Sixtus IV and Pope Julius II, both from the family Della Rovere.
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