Liguria for Food Lovers

The best way to get to know a place is to explore it as if it were a dish: a blend of aromas, traditions, flavours, contrasts, and craftsmanship.


A journey scented with fresh basil, ancient wines, extra virgin olive oil, and the essence of both sea and land. A journey through the food and wine culture and local products that amaze, satisfy, and delight all the senses. A journey through the region that has introduced Italian culinary excellence to the world, such as Genovese pesto.

There are many ways to remember a vacation, but nothing is as memorable as the experience of taste. Visiting Liguria means discovering every corner by letting the ambassadors of regional cuisine speak for themselves: Genovese basil D.O.P., Taggiasca olives and Riviera Ligure D.O.P. extra virgin olive oil, Savona’s farinata, Recco’s focaccia, mussels from the Gulf of La Spezia, the heroic wines of the Cinque Terre, and Rossese di Ponente wine.

Discover the Ligurian agri-food portal at


La Liguria respira nel vento, passeggia tra borghi e villaggi.

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Best of food and wine in liguria

TASTE Liguria

Cross through Liguria; it will be a journey through its flavours, a dive into its gastronomic culture and its unique local productions. Ancient recipes have come down to us, flavours never forgotten or always rediscovered, gifts from the sea and the land.


Prodotti tipici certificati


Prodotti tipici


Ricette delle tradizione






In Liguria, you can taste the richness of the relationship between sea and land. Fish, meat, garden produce, and the majesty of pesto: for the "gastronaut," those who navigate through typical dishes and recipes in search of new continents of taste, the only problem is choosing!

Leggi le ricette della tradizione ligure

Un viaggio che profuma di basilico fresco, di vini antichi, di olio purissimo, di mare e di terra. Un viaggio attraverso la cultura enogastronomica e le produzioni locali, che stupisce, appaga e riempie tutti i sensi. Un viaggio nella regione che ha portato eccellenze della cucina italiana, come il pesto genovese, nel mondo.

Conosci i produttori

Tanti possono essere i ricordi di una vacanza, ma nulla è così memorabile come l’esperienza del gusto. Visitare la Liguria vuol dire conoscere ogni suo angolo lasciando parlare gli ambasciatori della gastronomia regionale: il basilico genovese D.O.P., le olive taggiasche e l’olio extravergine di Oliva D.O.P Riviera Ligure, la farinata di Savona, la focaccia di Recco, i muscoli del Golfo di La Spezia, i vini eroici delle Cinque Terre e il Rossese di Ponente.

Photo by Jon Tyson

Nome Produttore

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Photo by Jon Tyson

Nome Produttore

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Photo by Jon Tyson

Nome Produttore

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Photo by Jon Tyson

Nome Produttore

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Photo by Jon Tyson

Nome Produttore

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


The brands protect quality. On this page, you will find the certified brands of Liguria. The main goal of quality certifications is to ensure that the food you are consuming has been made according to quality standards that comply with strict regulations.