Circus Magic in Genoa
‘Circumnavigando’, the International Circus Theatre Festival brings circus magic to Genoa from December 14th to 30th, 2023.
Artists from around the world, astonishing choreography, and the fun and wonder that only the circus can provide. ‘Circumnavigando’, the International Circus Theatre Festival, one of the most followed in Italy, organised by Ass. Sarabanda I.S. and now in its XXIII edition, will take over the streets and squares of Genoa from December 14th to 30th, 2023.
Thirty-four shows, thirteen companies in eleven locations across the city: a true invasion of “circus narrative.” Virtuosos, trapeze artists, jugglers, and artists using the body as a means of expression on this year’s theme: CircusTale / The circus that tells a tale.
The Programme
Among the shows, the national premiere of “Le poids de l’âme – tout est provisoire” (December 29th, Sala Mercato), the Samovar and their “Officina Oceanografica Sentimentale,” a show for 7 travellers in a trailer theatre, with spatulas, wheels, waves, and, in conclusion, a poem by Erri de Luca (from December 26th to 29th at Giardini Luzzati), the “acrobatic garbage collector” invented by Moroccan Said Mouhssine, with his “Taroo” (‘trash can’) (December 26th and 27th at Palazzo Ducale and December 28th in Piazza San Gallo), and much more.
Full programme on the website.