Our Activities

Agenzia In Liguria deals with territorial marketing and with the promotion of Liguria, working in close contact with the bodies, institutions, and economic operators of the Region.

In 2024, Liguria brings forward an integrated document which, for the first time in this form, includes marketing, promotion and communication actions developed through Agenzia In Liguria and Liguria International, following the strategic inputs of the regional council and with the supervision of the Presidency, as regards all communication aspects.

The 2024 strategy arises from careful and timely listening to stakeholders. The world of tourism, industry and citizens are the foundations on which the plans with which we intend to promote our region take shape. Liguria has great qualities and great potential: both must be developed, always starting from the real needs of those who live and work in Liguria.

Starting from the analysis of system data and a reading of the strengths and weaknesses of the regional system, the marketing plan establishes the main strategic lines and identifies the areas of intervention, for each of which the 2024 objectives are defined and the actions to achieve them.

The operational plans of Agenzia in Liguria and Liguria international originate from the strategy outlined in this document, which are, respectively, the tourist promotion and territorial marketing agency of the region and the company, also owned by the Ligurian Chambers of Commerce system , dedicated to the implementation and coordination of regional policies regarding internationalization.

> Download the plan <

Enhancement of the gardens of the Franco – Italian Riviera 2

In line with the cooperation actions undertaken during the first JARDIVAL project (ALCOTRA program 2014/2020), the JARDIVAL 2 project aims to improve the attractiveness of the cross-border territory, increasing the visibility and attendance of the gardens of the Italian-French Riviera.

These gardens, created on both sides of the border between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, represent an important dimension of the natural, historical, cultural and architectural heritage of this area. The project aims to redevelop, protect and enhance these exceptional places, which represent a real resource for the promotion of sustainable, diversified and seasonally adjusted tourism throughout the Italian-French Riviera.

Moreover, these places require and deserve the adoption of common valorization tools, which make it possible to highlight a global cross-border tourist offer capable of intercepting visitor flows in the best possible and sustainable way.

The project includes 7 heterogeneous partners, owners and managers of prestigious gardens that are points of reference at a regional, cross-border, national and even European level, and institutional partners that have expertise in tourism development and promotion.

> Download the project <

• Intense (from 2019): Alcotra community project in which Agenzia In Liguria is the implementing body of the Liguria Region for itineraries connecting with the Sentiero Liguria

> Visit the website <

• MITO (from 2019): two Alcotra community projects (Mito 3 and Mito 5) in which Agenzia In Liguria is the implementing body, together with Parco Alpi Liguri, for the promotion of the outdoor tourism in the areas on the border with France, Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta.

> Learn more about the project <

> Learn more about the 5 outdoor experiences <

• Milano Sanremo del Gusto (2017): the interregional project with which Liguria, Piedmont and Lombardy match, for the first time, the agri-food sector with experiential tourism: the MILAN-SANREMO is thus no longer just the legendary cycling competition but becomes a wine&food itinerary to discover recipes, flavours, unique sets, and to live unforgettable experiences.


Experience Liguria

Liguria is a land of nature, good taste, culture and villages, family activities, sea and sport, art and city life. Follow your passion and enjoy tailor-made experiences!



Food Ambassador Project by Liguria

A project aimed at introducing and promoting Liguria's food and wine excellence through activities and events that support the entities and brands involved in the promotion of Liguria's three PDO products: wine, oil, and Genoese basil.  


Food & Green Village

The taste of sustainability: the "Food & Green Village" is the first major event dedicated to Slow and Sustainable Tourism in Genoa from 24 to 26 May 2019: the Albaro Arena transformed into a large global village to focus on climate change, the circular economy, micro-productions, foodtourism, and agribusiness.


TravelArt - Liguria City Game

Becoming a protagonist and playing with art... Leading a lost traveller or setting off on a virtual journey through Liguria's maze of labyrinths, solving the mysteries scattered throughout the area to reach the finish line first


Surf the Mountain

An original and unique event on the weekend of 23 and 24 March, in the shadow of the Mont Blanc slopes, for the twinning of Portofino and Courmayeur and the celebration of the reopening of the road between Santa Margherita and Portofino after the devastating storm 


Moscow and St. Petersburg Roadshow

Roadshow to present "destination Liguria" and its tourist attractions to Russian tour operators and trade press, thereby strengthening institutional and economic ties between the Liguria Region and the Russian Federation: two presentations in Moscow and St. Petersburg in conjunction with the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.


Progect Intense

Alcotra Community Project in which Agenzia in Liguria acts as implementing party for routes connecting with the Liguria Trail


MITO Project

Two Alcotra community projects (Mito 3 and Mito 5) in which Agenzia in Liguria is the implementing party alongside the Parco Alpi Liguri identified by the Liguria Region for the promotion of outdoor tourism in cross-border areas bordering France, Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta.  


Promotional event in Stockholm to mark the Nobel Prize award ceremony

Organisation of the promotional event organised in Stockholm by the Ligurian Region to mark the Nobel Prize awarding ceremony, with sampling of typical products as well as the sending of Sanremo flowers like every year.


Pasta Pesto Day

The whole world united in one flavour for an event in solidarity! Pesto is the star during the "Italian Cuisine Week around the World" from 19 to 25 November, under the patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies. Choose a dish of pasta with pesto at participating restaurants and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the City of Genoa, for initiatives in favour of those most affected by the tragedy of the Morandi Bridge collapse.


Get Your Liguria Experience

A format for planning and narrating tourism with the aim of presenting and promoting the different travel and holiday experiences in Liguria. Sixteen traveller-influencers from different countries around the world challenged each other to build four themed experience-based itineraries by creating a multimedia narrative.


Milano Sanremo del Gusto 

The Interregional project with which Liguria, Piedmont and Lombardy unite the worlds of agrifood with experience-based tourism for the first time: the MILANO-SANREMO is no longer just the legendary bicycle race, but becomes an itinerary of eating and drinking, discovering recipes, flavours, unique places and experiences to be lived.


Project "Royal Residences, Villas, Castles and Historic Gardens" 

This project involved Liguria in partnership with Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Lazio, each with its own treasure chest of castles, historical residences, villas and gardens, to create tourist products and promote innovative cultural tourism experiences not only on the domestic market but also on international circuits and in the cinema. Events, brochures, videos and meetings to promote the villas and gardens of Liguria from east to west.



New interpretations of the Ligurian tourist scene, travel proposals, itineraries, videos, events and rallies: motorbikes, road bikes or mountain bikes... as long as there are two wheels!


Love me in Liguria

International wedding planners discover the most romantic and enchanting locations and tourist spots in Liguria and meet professionals and handicraft experts: with oranges, business also flourishes 


Beactive Liguria

What do you need to organise your active holiday in Liguria? Itineraries, GPS, specialised services, qualified hospitality and expert guides. We are the Eldorado for lovers of mountain biking, trekking and the sea, we have the most beautiful cycle paths by the sea in Europe and specialised services in every area.


Contest Zooppa

Video contest by Liguria on a specialised platform www.zooppa.com to describe all the special features of Liguria with innovative images. Video contest launched again in the year 2018. Many videos took part, 10 videos won prizes.


L'Altra Riviera

A project financed by the Rural Development Plan in cooperation with the GALs and aimed at promoting tourism, heritage, food and wine and craftsmanship resources of all the inland Ligurian localities.



Annual event from 2013 to 2019 with international Buyers invited to take part in an educational tour to discover the Ligurian region and a commercial workshop with the Sellers of the regional offer. Major commitments, in line with our strategy of sustainable and "experience-based tourism" and a model based on B2B and direct relationships with buyers.


Camping Weekends in Liguria

3x2 weekends to extend the tourist season: from the Riviera di Levante to the Riviera di Ponente, bathing establishments, hoteliers and tour operators have mobilised to anticipate or extend the summer. 


Blog Liguria Speaks

Launch of the regional tourism blog "Liguria Speaks", which gathered contributions from users and the editorial staff to report on Liguria's tourist attractions live 


Italy Golf & more

Hole in one! The golfing paradise in Liguria for a year-round philosophy of life. Experience Liguria as a backpacker means savouring its nuances and an ideal climate in the 11 regional courses, with a varied offer of clubs complete with restaurants, clubhouses, terraces and pergolas where you can relax all year round 


Facebook & Instagram & other social media 

Opening Facebook social channels @Liguria, Instagram @turismoinliguria, Twitter @turismoliguria, Pinterest @turismoinliguria e YouTube @TurismoinLiguria


Strattour project

EU-funded project (Alcotra) for the joint development and promotion of tourism by the five neighbouring regions: Liguria, Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta on the Italian side, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur (Paca) and Rhone-Alpes on the French side 


Terragir project

A project aimed at promoting an integrated tourist appeal, protecting the quality of products, encouraging proper food education and enhancing the elements of character and excellence of a given territory. Regional development requires competitiveness and innovation in the cross-border rural area. The project was financed by the ERDF, the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Italy-France "Maritime" cross-border cooperation programme.