Meditaggiasca – Expo Valle Argentina e Armea
Meditaggiasca: May 11th and 12th, 2024, Taggia talks, tastes, and experiences olive oil.
Taggia, the capital of olive oil: discover its historic centre, its history, its traditions. Discover your treasure: extra virgin olive oil made from Taggiasca olives.
The Taggiasca olive
No one remembers who planted the first olive tree in Taggia, whether it was the monks of San Colombano from the nearby island of Lerins, in Provence, or the Benedictine monks of Taggia. However, the first olive, the first oil, arrived with the Greeks and Romans, and it was love at first taste: since then, the hills of this ancient medieval village have shone with the metallic green of olives, and the narrow streets smell of olive pulp: Taggia lives off its gold, olive oil.
The Event
The highlight event of olive oil is Meditaggiasca – Expo Valle Argentina and Armea, which on May 11th and 12th will bring informative and promotional stands of the municipalities, a space reserved for local companies for the sale of products, and, of course, show cooking, to the historic streets of the village, between Via Soleri and Piazza Cavour. Not to be missed this year is the “competition” at the Ruffini-Aicardi Hotel and Catering Institute in Taggia on Saturday, May 11th: students will compete with stoves, each representing a municipality of the Valle Argentina-Armea, with its local products: Badalucco, Bajardo, Ceriana, Molini di Triora, Montalto Carpasio, Taggia, and Triora, Castellaro, Pompeiana, and Terzorio. A special guest of Meditaggiasca & Expo Valle Argentina Armea will be Andrea Mainardi, the “blonde atomic”, eclectic chef, and television personality.