Archives: BeActive

top-cinghialtracks_la_mia_liguria La Mia Liguria
31 October 2023

Gathering for a “cyclo-excursionist” event: Cinghialtracks

I’m back on my bike after months without breathing this crisp home air, without seeing these vibrant colours and the scent of…

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la-24h-di-finale-storia-musica-attivita-e-tanto-divertimento La Mia Liguria

The 24h of Finale: history, music, activities, and lots of fun

The anticipation for the world’s most famous and widely participated-in mountain bike competition happens every year and attracts endurance enthusiasts at national…

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finale-ligure_la_mia_liguria La Mia Liguria

Finale Ligure Surf Spot

The beautiful area of Finale Ligure offers two spots. The first is in front of the Guardia di Finanza barracks, easy to…

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levanto_la_mia_liguria La Mia Liguria

Levanto Surf Spot

For those looking for worthy waves, Levanto is the place to go, where the Libeccio and Maestrale winds produce waves up to…

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Serena Gallone Varazze

Varazze: Surfing Paradise

The Liguria of Ponente can boast what is considered the surfing paradise: Varazze surf spot is among the top 10 best places…

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